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e-RedTape...department Flat Tax Rat(e)...Shoo...! Bet Bat...Response-ibility Turncoat Chameleon...Vote Catching Globalisation...Hare EPU Hedgehog...still here Zeitgeist...a queer and cruel bird EPU Hedgehog...still here Stuffy Worm...deeper than you think Ego Caterpillar...very greedy White Rabbit...follow the Rhetoric Breast... Voter Camel... Pensiondeer... Fraction Quail... Matter... Person...
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Newsletter Politics
Here will the series "Pets in Politics" come into being, to show up how important issues may be "put in a nutshell" also offside blocking conventions using systematic graphical communication.
Using the suitable methods it is also possible to discuss and to change for the better within the context of a "big picture".
Here you will come to the series "Politics and constructive Creativity" - c®ampaigning objective, to show up that creativity may not be replaced by anything.
Matters will become illustrated systematically graphical and we are looking for creative politicians and those who want to become creative.
And of course also sponsors and press. to Matters
^ - department.
Newsletter is coming soon (or never ever...)
^ - Shoo.
the Newsletter.
^ - Where is the Response-ibility?
the Newsletter.
^ - Vote Catching.
the Newsletter.
^ - Hare.
the Newsletter.
^ - still here.
the Newsletter.
^ - a queer and cruel bird.
the Newsletter.
^ - still here.
the Newsletter.
^ - deeper than you think...
the Newsletter.
^ - very greedy.
the Newsletter.
^ - carol in the dawn (chirp).
the Newsletter.
^ - votes really everything.
the Newsletter.
^ - looking for food.
the Newsletter.
^ - cooking time: 2 min.
the Newsletter.

...follow the White Rabbit...


Z.I.P. Principle©




to Matters

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