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memeticor® information management solutions
i n n o v a t i o n

memeticor® offers the following consulting services:
  • marketinganalysis and concepts
  • project metrics, - income statement
  • strategical und taktical understanding
        of using information
  • document management (incl. CAD, CAE)
  • data model analysis, BPO
  • classification systems
  • choosing the right technology (GPL tools)
  • FVC approach (Find, Visualize und Communicate)
  • Renovation of old Code
        (Performance, Stability, Security, Integration)
  • EAI (Enterprise Aplication Integration)

  • e-mem


    memeticor® offers the following software products:
  • e-mem© - Memetic Mail Advertising-Campaign Management for:
    Vertriebsunterstützung, Mailings, Newsletter, Networking

    Knowledgemanagement - Collaboration Management:
  • mem-topics© - Memetic Topic Maps-Collaboration Management for:
    Strategic Planning, Innovation, Communication, Documentation, Benchmarking with:

    Ideee© - Baselisk© - BP-Control©
    TechDoc© - Problem IAP© - IT-SSS Check©© - mem-learning©

  • IT projects and organisation - implementation:
    why fail IT projects?
    Software-Projects barely flops in case of technical reasons.
    Normally there is a work around to solve technical problems.
    There are different objectives in a project team:
  • the developer team wants to offer a high sophisticated solution that offers every imaginable comfort and many features.
  • the operating department wants to solve their problems and requirements, very quickly and without any effort of their staff, because they have a lot of troubles doing their daily business.
  • the management wants to save costs (mostly in expensive experts).
  • the team has to colloborate, but there are very often troubles with communications between operating department and developer team.
  • IT projects and organisation - benefit:
    why use IT solutions?
    IT solutions are used in supporting the organisation.
    IT is often used as management instrument, as link from strategy to realisation, the "management glue".
    target pyramid
    strategic target
    operational target
    IT-SSS Check©
    problem: feedback, metrics, control... Several management levels requires "layered control loops". Well known in control engineering (cybernetics) - manager often lose sight of stability criteria.
    IT projects und data - benefit:
    where does the information overload come from?
    according to Reuters "dying for information":
  • about 1000 books are published in 1 year,
  • printed "knowledge" duplicates every 5 years
  • in the last 30 years more information was produced than in the last 5000 years before
  • the NewYorkTimes contains more information in a daily issue than an ordinary man of the 17th century consumed in the whole life
  • every day about 20 million words of technichal information is recorded - a reader capable 1000 words a minute needs 6 weeks - and then he is 5 1/2 years back!

  • Catchword:
    not found?
    Catchwords this page: Information Overload IT Strategy EAI
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    e-Learning Company-Comix© StoryTelling Brainstorming Voting Cloning Argumentationlines Morphology Benchmarking QM Qualitymanagement
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